3 Part Full Body Workout

This 3 part workout is a great one to do at home or at the gym. I did include a rowing component in this one since I now have a rower at home, but you can either skip that or add another cardio of your choice.

you will need dumbbells, something to step up on like a box or stool, rower (or omit)

For part 1

3 Rounds

Turkish Getups x 5 each side

Goblet Squats x 15

DB Box step ups x 20

row 1 min as fast as you can

Second Part

3 Rounds

DB overhead Squats x 10

Box Jumps x 10

Last Part

4 Rounds

Deadlift to row x 10x5 (do 10 deadlifts and then 5 bent over rows)

Burpee to lateral jump x 10