Sweaty as a Mother

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Quick High-Protein Snack Ideas for Busy Moms

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Being a mother is a full-time job, and it often leaves little time for personal indulgences. The constant demands of motherhood can make it challenging for moms to find healthy, protein-rich snacks to fuel their bodies.

Since protein is an essential nutrient that builds and repairs tissues, it is vital for moms to add it to their diet. Protein also helps maintain and build muscle mass, which is essential for overall health. High-protein snacks are especially important for moms who are always on the move, as they provide energy throughout the day.

 In this blog post, we'll look at some high-protein snack ideas that busy moms can grab or prepare in a jiffy.

Trail Mix

Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, making them a great snack for moms on the go. Cashews, almonds, and pistachios are some of the nuts with the most protein content, with approximately 6-8 grams per one-fourth cup serving. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds also have a decent protein content of around 5-7 grams per one-fourth cup serving.


Tuna is another great source of protein, with around 20 grams per 3-ounce serving. It's also a low-calorie snack, which makes it a suitable option for moms who are trying to maintain a healthy weight. You can enjoy tuna on its own or pair it with whole-grain crackers for a more filling snack.

Lunch Meat

Using lunch meat in creative and nutritious ways, such as in protein-packed snack plates, can provide busy moms with a convenient and delicious food option that will keep them energized throughout the day. When consuming lunch meat, make sure to look for low-calorie options with low saturated fat content like turkey and chicken breast cold cuts.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is one of those snacks that seem too good to be true. Not only does it taste great, but it also contains 10–15 grams of protein in half a cup. Greek yogurt also has probiotics, or good bacteria that support gut health. Enoy Greek yogurt with berries or nuts if you want to add more flavor and texture.

Hard-boiled Eggs

A quick snack of two hard-boiled eggs can give you approximately 12 grams of protein. Eggs are easy to cook and also easy to pair with other foods. Throw your hard-boiled eggs into a vegetable salad, dip them in guacamole, or wrap them in deli meat! There will always be new ways to enjoy eggs and take advantage of their flavor and proteins.

Peanut Butter and Banana

On days when you’re craving for something sweet, take the opportunity to squeeze in some protein! Simply slice one banana in half lengthwise and spread two tablespoons of your preferred peanut butter in the middle. You can even drizzle some honey or cinnamon to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

Apple Slices and Almond Butter

Another sweet snack that is high in protein is the apple slice and almond butter combo. Slice your favorite apple and scoop out one to two tablespoons of almond butter, or any nut butter you have at home. This elevates the flavor of your apple snack and makes you feel more full because of the healthy fats in the almond butter.


Edamame is a Japanese dish of young soybeans prepared either by boiling or steaming and adding salt. It contains around 11 grams of protein per 100-gram serving. If you prefer a crunchy snack, “popcorn” edamame is for you. Just toss your edamame in oil and lemon juice and then bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, an edamame succotash is best if you want to eat more greens.

Hummus and Veggies

Hummus is a popular snack that is high in protein and incredibly versatile. Two tablespoons of hummus has around two to three grams of protein, and you can pair it with a wide variety of veggies including carrots, celery, and bell peppers. Hummus is also a great source of fiber, which aids digestion.

Protein Bars

Protein bars are a convenient option for working moms who like to multi-task. They’re accessible and can be eaten anywhere. Plus, most protein bars on the market are high in protein and low in sugar. However, it's essential to read the labels carefully and buy a protein bar made with natural ingredients and no added sugars. You can also make your own protein bars at home if you have specific dietary needs or preferences.

Enjoy a healthy high-protein snack today

Super moms need super snacks, and that means lots of protein! Nuts and seeds, yogurt, eggs, fruits, peanut butter, and protein bars are some of the easiest snacks for busy moms to store, prepare, and eat. Remember that taking time to eat healthy snacks is a great way to ensure that you’ll always have energy for the people and activities you love! 

Visit Sweaty as a Mother to read more advice and deliciously healthy recipes for mothers.